マーケット別事例 誕生以来50有余年、多くの信頼と実績を築き上げた U-ナットの事例

Apron conveyors

Cable carriers

Where and what products were used

Securement of rotating shafts

・Single Chamfer (Type 1) & Double Chamfer (Type 2) U-NUT
  M14 ×2 S45C Chromate (Yellow)

Electric lifts

Where and what products were used

Securement of drive shafts


Assembly time was shortened by switching from AN + AW to FU.

Flight conveyors

Where and what products were used

Securement of chains

・Single Chamfer (Type 1) & Double Chamfer (Type 2) U-NUT
  M10 ×1.5 SUS304

Rail transporters (monorails)